HSCA Applauds Senate Judiciary Committee for Advancing the CREATES Act
Washington, DC (June 14, 2018) – Healthcare Supply Chain Association (HSCA) President and CEO Todd Ebert, R.Ph., today released the following statement applauding the Senate Judiciary Committee members for voting to advance the CREATES Act:
“The Healthcare Supply Chain Association (HSCA) applauds and thanks Chairman Grassley, Senator Leahy and all Senate Judiciary Committee members who voted to advance the CREATES Act for leading the effort to reduce prescription drug prices for patients. Americans rely on generic drugs to reduce costs and increase access to essential medications, and price spikes for commonly used drugs jeopardize patient access to care. HSCA will continue to advocate for policy solutions like the CREATES Act that lower drug prices, encourage competition and innovation in the marketplace, and end anti-competitive abuses utilized by some brand-name manufactures. We urge the Senate to pass the CREATES Act to help protect patient access to affordable prescription drugs for healthcare providers and the patients they serve.”
Lear MoreHSCA Joins Leading Healthcare Organizations in Supporting the CREATES Act (S.974)
We, the undersigned, commend you for your leadership and commitment to reducing out-of-control prescription drug prices and stopping anti-competitive abuses that keep drug prices high. We are encouraged that the Senate Judiciary Committee has noticed a markup of the Creating and Restoring Equal Access to Equivalent Samples (CREATES) Act (S. 974). We thank you for your efforts to move this important piece of legislation through the Committee.
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