ANALYSIS: GPOs Helped Increase Domestic Manufacturing Capacity, Protected Hospitals and Patients from Thousands of Fraudulent Sellers, and Helped Identify and Bring New Suppliers to Market to Avert Supply and Drug Shortages During COVID-19
HSCA Releases Issue Brief Detailing Learnings and Best Practices from Industry COVID-19 Response.
Click here to read the full comments.
HSCA Comments to the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions on the PREVENT Pandemics Act
On behalf of the Healthcare Supply Chain Association (HSCA), which represents the nation’s leading healthcare group purchasing organizations (GPOs), we appreciate the opportunity to comment on the Committee’s draft text of the ‘Prepare for and Respond to Existing Viruses, Emerging New Threats, and Pandemics Act’ (PREVENT Pandemics Act).
Click here to read the full comments.
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