HSCA offers advertising through the following outlets:
- HSCA Morning eNews
Place your company’s logo, linked to the Web page of your choice and 75-word description, at the top of the HSCA Morning eNews blast that is distributed daily to 900 supply chain executives across the country, including all HSCA and HISCI members. Pricing: $500 for One Week; $1,750 for One Month
- National Pharmacy Forum
- www.supplychainassociation.org website advertising
With more than 2,500 visitors each month, the HSCA Web site has become one of the most used and valued member benefits and is an excellent vehicle to reach group purchasing organization professionals. Increase your company’s brand recognition and advertise to GPO professionals by placing your hyperlinked logo on HSCA’s Web site (logo placement to be determined by HSCA). Pricing: $5,000 for Six Months; $3,000 for Three Months; $1,200 for One Month
Interested in learning more? Contact HSCA at 202-629-5833 or via email at info@supplychainassociation.org.